
GivingTools is designed to accommodate a variety of processors. Our 1.0 customers are all BluePay customers. With our 2.0 platform, we opened the doors to Base Commerce, Stripe, and PayPay business standard customers as well. With all accounts, you get 0% ACH processing as well as competitive card rates from BluePay. You can also plug in an account from a supported processor if you wish. And PayPal remains an option, even if you have ACH and cards processing set up by other services. So, you can cherry-pick the services that are right for you. The extra cost to link in a non-BluePay account? Zero.

We do this stuff to maximize your online giving success. Is it a good choice for your nonprofit? Well, most of our customers stick with BluePay to keep everything under one roof, and because the rates are very good. But feel free to consider these added features, and let us know if you want to ponder what might be right for you.